बालखैमा आमा बासँग विछोड हुन्छ । गजेन्द्र राना मगर अनाथाश्रममा हुर्किन्छन् । एक से एक राम्रा स्कुल पढ्ने मौका पाउँछन् । विकास अध्ययनमा डिग्री गर्छन् । सँगैका साथी युरोप अमेरिका लाग्छन् । काेही एनजिओमा जागिर खान्छन् । गजेन्द्र चाहिँ गाउँ फर्किन्छन् र एउटा सानो स्कुलको मुहार फेर्छन् :
सुर्खेतको गुर्भाकोट नगरपालिकास्थित जहरे भन्ने ठाउँबाट भेरी नदीको झोलुङ्गे पुल तरेपछि गुमी पुगिन्छ ।
गुमीको ढोेडेनीमा जनसंयुक्त प्रावि छ । विद्यार्थी नअाएर अर्को स्कुलसँग गाभिने सँघारमा रहेको जनसंयुक्तमा एक दिन गजेन्द्र सर आइपुगे ।
यही गाउँछेउमा जन्मेका गजेन्द्र सानोमै आमा बुबासँग विछोडिए । गजेन्द्रलाई गाउँलेले एउटी बहिनीसँगै अनाथश्राम पुर्याइदिए ।
आफ्ना आमा बुबाको अनुहार समेत सम्झनामा छैन गजेन्द्र सरलाई । आफू जन्मेको गाउँ पनि सोध्दै खोज्दै आएका थिए कुनै दिन ।
गाउँको स्कुल देखेर गजेन्द्रको मन पग्लियो । जिन्दगीका आगामि यात्रा तय गर्नुअघि उनले ३ महिना स्कुलमा स्वयंसेवा गर्ने विचार गरे ।
३ महिनामा विद्यालयसँग गहिरो माया बस्यो । गजेन्द्रले स्कूल छोड्न सकेनन् । अभिभावक र विद्यार्थीले गजेन्द्र सर । ४ वर्ष नाघ्यो । गजेन्द्र सर स्कुलमै समर्पित छन् । जागिरे होइनन् । अझै स्वयंसेवा ।
हेर्ने कथाको अंक १६ मा यसअघि रहरको कथा प्रसारण भएको थियो । हेर्ने कथाका सबै अंकहरु हेर्नको लागि हाम्रो युट्युब च्यानल सब्स्क्राइब गर्नुहोस् ।
Outstanding episode. Thank you Bidhya for your effort & hard work. I think somebody should make story about you which would be the great inspiration for many people. I am big fan of yours. God bless you.
Dear Bidhya didi,
A very big hi to you!
Since a couple of years ago, I have been regularly following you. Now I have been watching your Eklo Katha, episode 12. Before this, today, I watched the story of Gajendra sir too. I was already moved by the story of Gajendra sir and the eklo ktha, episode12, touched me more profoundly.
I am writing this email to express my profound gratitude for all the works that you have been doing since a very long time in Nepal. I have been massively influenced by your personality. What an exemplary individual you have been in your country. May mighty Lord richly blesses you, Bidhya didi.
I hold an M. Sc. degree in physics. At the moment I have been working as a teacher, and I am willing to help in any way that I can. I am really passionate about writing; therefore, I am thinking of volunteering at your upcoming episodes. For example, I can help your team with content writing or something like that. Is there any way that I can volunteer you? The main reason why I am willing to do is simple: If I can help you in some ways, I believe you can bring up more such inspiring and exemplary stories.
Having said all this, I wish you all the very best in your coming days. May mighty Lord richly bless you.
I am really looking forward to seeing you soon.
Best regards,