Sunne Herne Katha

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Sunne Herne Katha

The Story of Fire, Iron and The Spirit | Aago, Aaran ra Aatma ko Katha Sunne Herne Katha

His ancestors are immortalized in the spades, axes and Khukuris of the village. He is leaving his mark on the irons. सुदूर प्रदेशका यी अस्ताचलहरुमा घाम पनि डुब्न मात्र आइपुग्छ भन्छन् । उनको आँगनबाट त घाम डुबेको पनि खोड्पेको डाँडोले छेकिदिन्छ ।
  1. The Story of Fire, Iron and The Spirit | Aago, Aaran ra Aatma ko Katha
  2. The Story of "Failure" | [A]safaltako Katha
  3. Villages Chased by Monkeys | Bandarle Lakheteka Gaunharu | EP108
  4. Cavalry of Rara | राराका घोडचढी
  5. औषधीको अस्पताल यात्रा | The Medicine's Journey to a Hospital

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