Beautiful Awadhi Folk Song from Nepal – Wedding Song [With Meaning]

Hina, Daughter of Zubeda Khatun is singing a Beautiful Awadhi Folk Song from Nepal . Her grandmother Malina is joining her. In Awadhi culture, this song is performed during wedding ceremony.

The meaning of this song is:

while the bride walks ‘3 rounds’ during the wedding ceremony she starts crying
Her father asks why are you crying? Are the dowries not enough?
She says ‘no’
Again the father asks ‘why are you crying, did your brother tell something bad?’
She replies ‘no’
Again the father asks ‘why are you crying then?’
The bride says ‘earlier you promised me that you will send me to a near place, now you are giving me away to a very far land, that’s why I am crying.’


जुबेदा खातुनकी छोरी हीनाले गाएको सुन्दर अवधि लोक गित प्रस्तुत गर्दैछौं । यो गीत हेर्ने कथाको अंक ०८ ‘जुबेदा खातुनको कथा’मा पनि समावेश छ । हीनालाई गीत सिकाउने उनकी हजुरआमा हुन् । यस गीतमा हजुरआमा मलिनाले पनि उनलाई साथ दिएकी छिन् ।

गीतको अर्थ यसप्रकार छ

बिहेमा जग्गेको ३ फेरा लिने बेलामा छोरी रुन थाल्छिन्
बाबुले छोरीलाई किन रोएको दाइजो कम भयो कि ? भनेर सोध्छन्
छोरीले होइन भन्छिन्
बाबुले फेरि सोध्छन् ‘दाजुसँग झगडा परेर रोएको पो हो कि?
छोरीले भन्छिन् – होइन
अनि बाबुले फेरि सोध्छन् – तेसो भए किन रोएको त?
अनि छोरीले भन्छिन् – पहिला त मलाई नजिकै बिहे गरिदिन्छु भन्नु भएको थियो । अहिले आएर टाढा परेदेशमा पठाइदिन थाल्नुभयो । त्यही भएर रोएकी

You can Watch Story of Zubeda Khatun here (जुबेदा खातुनको कथा यहाँ हेर्न सकिन्छ)

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